A first class Private Investigation company specializing in:
Asset Investigations
Locates/Skip Trace
Judgment Collections
Service of Process
P.I. Solutions Group provides one of the most comprehensive one-stop-shops
for all your investigative, service of process, and judgment collection needs.
Asset Investigations.
Going beyond the basics of a single data search, PISG provides in-depth, Nationwide multi-data mining results.
Service of Process.
Creativity and perseverance is a must when it comes to evasive targets. We succeed where others failed.
Providing investigative support services to the legal professional.
Services Available
Attorney Services
Asset Locates
Difficult Service of Process
Skip Trace/DMV for SOP
Court Research
Judgment Enforcement
P.I. Solutions Group is a reputable private investigation company providing you with results you can trust. Your law firm has enough to focus on. Our company provides the diligence you expect in a summary format that saves you time.
Nationwide resources.
Providing a broad spectrum of investigative resources across the U.S.A.
You set the goal and we provide the tools and expertise to get the job done.
Lawyers' Choice.
California Association of Judgment Professionals
Word of mouth in the legal community speaks volumes to the quality of our work product. References available upon request.
Enforcing Civil and Restitution Judgments since 2008. Current CAJP Board Member.
Licensed by the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, License No. 26525
Registered Process Server in the County of San Diego, Reg. No. 1420